Monday, July 18, 2011

Websiting Again

Hello again. It's now Monday afternoon. It has been raining for the past entire week it seems like, and today is no different.
After waking up late and watching Time Warp while eating a sandwich, I came here to run around the internet some more building links and writing about them here.
Want to know what they are?
Well, first there was this Medical research one.
Then, this one on a website about bowel and bladder health. That was actually interesting and I read around for a while.
Another was on a movie review website.
I think this one was about bikes.

Then, I started working from the list called "125 free backlinks" which, admittedly, looked a little sketch and half-assed, but it was very quick and easy so I did a bunch anyway. Some of those were:
Actually, that were the only 2 that I could do today.
Well that's it.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Sites and Things

So, here is my blogger blog.
About a month ago I started a website to review and recommend keyboards.
You can find links to those 2 reviews on the right side of this page.
After I did those reviews I started running around the internet land and learning how to promote one's website.
Run and ran and run and ran and run and ran and learn and things.
That was fun and exciting.
Here is a funny picture! (left)
Also, I made a Serious Eats profile? Interesting.
Last, but not least, actually, probably most importantly, I made dos links at Xchat. Second at Xchat forum.
Now, i'll probably keep running around the interweb world and running and learning and making more ways to build backlinks and run and learn.
till then
